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Error status and actions

Learn about BugSnag’s error workflow which helps you understand the status of errors in your application to improve your debugging process.

Error statuses

Name Description Filter
Introduced today All errors introduced in the last 24 hours status:new
Open All errors except those that are fixed, snoozed or ignored status:open
For review Open errors awaiting triage status:for review
Assigned to me Errors assigned to you in BugSnag status:open, assigned to:me
Assigned to anyone All errors assigned to collaborators in BugSnag, including those assigned to you status:open, assigned to: anyone
Issue created Errors that have a corresponding issue in a third-party issue tracker status:open, has linked issue:true
Fixed Errors marked as fixed. Events continue to be collected. status:fixed
Snoozed Errors that are temporarily ignored until a specific condition is met. Events continue to be collected. status:snoozed
Ignored Errors that are indefinitely ignored and can only be reopened manually. Events continue to be collected. status:ignored

Error actions

There are two ways to complete actions on errors directly from the BugSnag dashboard:

  1. From the BugSnag Inbox, or while viewing the Errors pivot of the Timeline, the floating error actions bar will appear when one or more errors is selected. Check floating error actions from inbox

  2. After clicking on an error from the Inbox/Timeline dashboard to view its events, the error actions are available in the left side bar. Check error actions from event details

The actions above can also be completed via dashboard keyboard shortcuts. Press the ? key at any time from the BugSnag dashboard to view a complete list of shortcuts.

Selected error actions can also be completed using:

All of the actions that can be taken on an error in BugSnag are:

Action Keyboard shortcut Email command Outcome of action
Assign @ Error is moved to “Assigned to me”.
Create or view issue ! @issue New issue created in issue tracker and error moved to “Issue created”.
Discard shift d Error is removed and future occurrences won’t be stored or count towards your event limit.
Delete # @delete Error is removed and you can toggle whether to discard future occurrences or save them as a new error.
Ignore shift i @ignore Error status is changed to “Ignored” and events continue to be collected.
Mark as fixed shift f @fix Error status is changed to “Fixed” and if the error occurs again in a version reported to BugSnag after it was marked as fixed, it will be reopened and appear in your Inbox.
Reopen @reopen Error status is changed to “Open”.
Snooze shift s Error status is changed to “Snoozed” until snooze conditions are met when the error state will automatically change to “Open”.