BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Service ports

List of BugSnag services and their corresponding NodePorts.

BugSnag has a number of services, for which you may wish to set up load balancers or user-friendly hostnames. The Node Port values described here are the defaults and can be configured via KOTS if required.

BugSnag dashboard

The main BugSnag dashboard.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /monitoring/health

Status Code: 200

Response Content: Empty response

BugSnag event server

The write-only error and deploy reporting endpoint.

This is where your applications will notify BugSnag about errors and deploys. If you are sending crashes to BugSnag from client-side applications (JavaScript & mobile) or applications outside your data center, you’ll need to expose this endpoint to the public internet.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag upload server

The write-only build artifact upload endpoint.

If you are using BugSnag with obfuscated iOS, macOS, Android, or JavaScript applications, we’ll recombine crashes with these build artifacts to help you with debugging.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag hooks server

The webhook endpoint used for two-way issue tracker integrations. Exposed on TCP port 30002.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag sessions server

The write-only sessions reporting endpoint. Exposed on TCP port 30003.

This is where your applications will notify BugSnag about sessions. Sessions reported are used to calculate stability scores used on the releases dashboard. If you are sending session reports to BugSnag from client-side applications (JavaScript & mobile) or applications outside your data center, you’ll need to expose this endpoint to the public internet.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag Build API

The BugSnag Build API is exposed on the TCP port 30004.

This is where your applications can provide extra information whenever you build, release, or deploy your application.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag Data Access API

The BugSnag Data Access API is exposed on the same NodePort as the dashboard, 30080, however to access this you have to set the X-Bugsnag-API: true header.

Health check information

The health check for the API is the same as the BugSnag dashboard. Please see the health check section for the dashboard.

BugSnag trace server (HTTP)

The write-only HTTP trace reporting endpoint. Exposed on TCP port 30005.

This is where your applications will report OpenTelemetry trace/span data to BugSnag via HTTP. Traces/spans reported are used to monitor the performance of the operations that are important to your users. If you are sending traces/spans to BugSnag from client-side applications (JavaScript & mobile) or applications outside your data center, you’ll need to expose this endpoint to the public internet.

You can also use this endpoint for sending trace data via an OpenTelemetry collector.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /ping

Status Code: 200

Response Content: “pong”

BugSnag trace server (gRPC)

The write-only gRPC trace reporting endpoint. Exposed on TCP port 30006.

This is where your applications will report OpenTelemetry trace/span data to BugSnag via gRPC. Traces/spans reported are used to monitor the performance of the operations that are important to your users. If you are sending traces/spans to BugSnag from applications outside your data center, you’ll need to expose this endpoint to the public internet.

You can also use this endpoint for sending trace data via an OpenTelemetry collector.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /

Protocol: HTTP/2 gRPC

Status Code: 13

Response Content: “”

Grafana dashboard

This is where you can monitor your On-premise instance using pre built graphs and alerts.

Node Port


Ingress Name


Health check information

URL: /api/health

Status Code: 200

Response Content: Grafana version information