BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Load balancing

Load balancer configuration for BugSnag On-premise.

Trace Server

The following load balancer configuration is only recommended if you are using BugSnag Performance SDKs or sending OpenTelemetry trace data via HTTP.

  • Public Port: 80/443

  • Backend Protocol: HTTP

  • Backend Protocol Version: HTTP/1.1

  • Backend Service Port: Trace server

Trace Server OTLP

The following load balancer configuration is recommended in order to process OpenTelemetry trace data.


  • Public Port: 4317

  • Backend Protocol: HTTPS

  • Backend Protocol Version: HTTP/2 (gRPC)

  • Backend Service Port: Trace server OTLP


  • Public Port: 4318

  • Backend Protocol: HTTP

  • Backend Protocol Version: HTTP/1.1

  • Backend Service Port: Trace server

API key in subdomain

If you wish to send OpenTelemetry spans with the API key as a subdomain you must create a wildcard DNS record pointing to the load balancer.

For example, if the load balancer is accessible at otlp.example.com, create a wildcard DNS record for *.otlp.example.com pointing to the load balancer. Ensure that any certificate used by the load balancer includes this wildcard domain (*.otlp.example.com) in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.

Reconfigure your installation using the Replicated KOTS admin console, setting Service access > OTEL endpoint to the wildcard domain root e.g. otlp.example.com.