BugSnag is now Insight Hub - we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Airgapped upgrade guide

Upgrade BugSnag On-premise on a high availability cluster in an airgapped environment.

Upgrading your instance

Upgrading BugSnag will take approximately 15 minutes. During the upgrade there should not be any downtime if you have enabled high availability features.

Before upgrading, ensure you have backups of your current installation. See Backup & Restore guide for more information.

It is not necessary to upgrade notifier libraries used by your applications when upgrading BugSnag On-premise, although sometimes new features will require upgrading notifiers.

For more information about the updates see https://enterprise-updates.bugsnag.com.

Update AWS resources

If you provisioned AWS resources with CloudFormation, you should check you are using the latest CloudFormation template version v1.7.1 before upgrading.

Upgrade Replicated KOTS

  1. Check KOTS version

    Port-forward to the admin console:

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace bugsnag

    View the admin console at http://localhost:8800 and check the current version at the bottom of the page.

    Get the version of the KOTS CLI installed on your machine:

    kubectl kots version

    If the KOTS admin console and CLI versions match the BugSnag supported version of v1.124.3 skip the remaining steps in this section.

  2. Download KOTS installation packages

    BugSnag will have provided you with a URL to download the offline installation packages. Download v1.124.3 of the following packages:

    • KOTS CLI (kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz)
    • KOTS Admin Console Bundle (kotsadm.tar.gz)
  3. Update KOTS CLI

    Update the KOTS CLI version on the machine you use to manage your cluster to the supported version:

    tar xvf kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    sudo mv kots /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kots
  4. Push KOTS admin console images

    Push KOTS admin console images to your registry:

    kubectl kots admin-console push-images ./kotsadm.tar.gz <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> \
      --namespace bugsnag \
      --registry-username <RW_USERNAME> \
      --registry-password <RW_PASSWORD>
    Placeholder Description
    <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> Address of the private image registry including the namespace
    <RW_USERNAME> Username for an account that has read and write access to the private image registry
    <RW_PASSWORD> Password for the account with read and write access
  5. Upgrade KOTS admin console

    Upgrade the KOTS admin console in your cluster to the same version as the KOTS CLI using registry read-only credentials:

    kubectl kots admin-console upgrade \
      --namespace bugsnag \
      --kotsadm-registry <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> \
      --registry-username <RO_USERNAME> \
      --registry-password <RO_PASSWORD>
    Placeholder Description
    <REGISTRY_ADDRESS> Address of the private image registry including the namespace
    <RO_USERNAME> Username for an account that has read-only access to the private image registry
    <RO_USERNAME> Password for the account with read-only access

Upgrade BugSnag

  1. Download BugSnag airgap package

    BugSnag will have provided you with a URL to download the offline installation packages. Download the latest version of the BugSnag App Bundle (the file extension will be .airgap).

    curl -L -o bugsnag.airgap "<URL provided>"
  2. Access the Replicated KOTS admin console

    Port-forward to the admin console:

    kubectl kots admin-console --namespace bugsnag

    View the admin console at http://localhost:8800.

  3. Upload new version of BugSnag

    Press the ‘Upload new version’ button to upload the airgap package and add it to the list of available versions. Screenshot of dashboard highlighting button to upload new version

  4. Deploy new version of BugSnag

    Press the ‘Deploy’ button next to the new version to start upgrading your installation. Screenshot of version listing highlighting deploy button

  5. Upgrade complete

    Once the upgrade has completed the admin console will indicate that it is ‘Ready’. Screenshot of dashboard showing deployed version ready