Control access to BugSnag using Auth0.
To configure BugSnag with Auth0:
In BugSnag settings select Organization -> Single sign-on (Admin access is required):
In Auth0, create a new application that includes the SAML2 addon.
Paste the URL copied from BugSnag in the Application Callback URL field.
In the Settings tab for your application
Add a SAML Attributes mapping Rule to map email addresses to the nameidentifier
function (user, context, callback) {
context.samlConfiguration.mappings = {
"": "email",
callback(null, user, context);
In BugSnag:
You can now log in to BugSnag from Auth0.
If a SessionNotOnOrAfter
value is present in the SAML authentication response, it will be used to set the timeout of the BugSnag session.
Please refer to your SSO provider’s documentation for more information on how to configure SessionNotOnOrAfter