BugSnag is now Insight Hub - we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Airgapped installation guide

Install BugSnag On-premise on a single node cluster in an airgapped environment.

Before installation

To get started with your BugSnag On-premise installation, you’ll need the following prepared in advance:

  • If this is your first time installing BugSnag On-premise, you’ll need to contact us to schedule a guided installation. We’ll get you set up with a license, and walk you through the installation process.
  • A server meeting the minimum system requirements.
  • SMTP credentials are required for installation. These are used to invite collaborators and receive error notification emails.

Provision cluster

BugSnag On-premise single node uses Replicated kURL to create a custom Kubernetes distribution with Replicated KOTS installed. kURL relies on kubeadm to bring up the Kubernetes control plane.

  1. Run kURL installer

    To install in an airgapped environment, first fetch the installer archive:

    curl -L -o kurl.tar.gz https://kurl.sh/bundle/bugsnag-clustered-kots.tar.gz

    After copying the archive to your host server, extract it and run the install script to set up your cluster and all required addons:

    tar xvzf kurl.tar.gz
    cat install.sh | sudo bash -s airgap

    A KOTS admin console password will be set and output during installation which you can use for access. It is recommended that you later change this password.

  2. View KOTS admin console

    After installation, the Replicated KOTS admin console is available at http://<PRIVATE IP>:8800.

Install BugSnag

  1. Upload license

    In the Replicated KOTS admin console upload the BugSnag On-premise license file you received from BugSnag.

  2. Upload airgap package

    BugSnag will have provided you with a URL to download the offline installation package:

    curl -L -o bugsnag.airgap "<URL provided>"

    Ensure the filename ends in .airgap and upload it to the admin console. This may take some time due to the size of the airgap package.

  3. BugSnag configuration

    You will be presented with the config page from which you can configure your BugSnag installation.

  4. Preflight checks

    Finally, you will be shown the preflight checks page, where the system will be analyzed to determine whether the environment meets the minimum requirements. These checks are done to ensure that your installation is successful.

  5. Installation complete

    It can take several minutes for BugSnag On-premise to deploy and fully start up. Once complete the admin console will indicate that it is ‘Ready’.

Account & project creation

Visit your BugSnag dashboard in a web browser to set up your account and create projects for each of the applications you wish to monitor.

Load balancing

See the load balancing guide for information on how to configure your load balancers.

Configure platform SDKs

Once you have created your account and first project, follow the instructions to configure platform SDKs so your applications send error, session and performance information to your BugSnag instance.