BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Getting started guide

Understand how BugSnag works, how to add BugSnag to your apps, and estimated times for implementation.

How BugSnag works

BugSnag provides error reporting libraries for every major software platform which automatically detect and report errors in your applications, and capture diagnostic data required to help you reproduce and fix each error.

Errors captured by our reporting libraries are sent to your BugSnag dashboard in real-time, allowing you and your team to triage and prioritize each error.

We also provide performance monitoring libraries for front end platforms, which monitors and captures performance information in your applications.


Adding BugSnag to your apps typically takes under 15 minutes. After following these steps, crashes and unhandled exceptions will be reported to your BugSnag dashboard.

Step 1: Sign up (1 min)

Sign up here for a free trial of BugSnag.

If you have received an invitation to join an existing BugSnag organization, you can access BugSnag after signing in.

Step 2: Create a project (1 min)

Projects represent a single application that BugSnag monitors for errors. When creating a project, we’ll generate a 32-character “project API key” which uniquely identifies your application to BugSnag.

Create a project for the app you wish to monitor on your BugSnag dashboard by providing your application’s name and platform type.

Step 3: Invite collaborators (1 min)

Invite collaborators to your BugSnag project during the project creation process. Invitees will receive email notifications inviting them to your application, and will be able to view and triage errors captured by BugSnag.

You can always add collaborators at a later stage from the BugSnag settings center.

Step 4: Download and install the error reporting library (5 mins)

BugSnag provides error reporting libraries for every major software platform which automatically detect and report errors in your applications.

Follow the Installation instructions on the platform integration guide for your platform to download and install the appropriate library.

Step 5: Initialize BugSnag (5 mins)

You’ll next need to initialize BugSnag in your application, by setting your project API key.

Follow the Basic configuration instructions on the platform integration guide for your platform.

Performance monitoring

To monitor performance as well as errors follow these additional steps:

Step 6: Download an install the performance monitoring library (5 mins)

BugSnag provides performance monitoring libraries for front end platforms.

Follow the Installation instructions for the appropriate performance integration guide.

Step 7: Initialize BugSnag Performance (5 mins)

Initialize BugSnag Performance within your application. Use the same project API key as you do for BugSnag Error Monitoring.

Follow the Basic configuration instructions in the performance integration guide for your platform.