Aspecto Distributed Tracing

Integrate BugSnag Error Monitoring with Aspecto Distributed Tracing

Learn more about Aspecto here

Aspecto is a powerful tool that helps you gain insights into the behavior of your distributed applications by offering comprehensive distributed tracing capabilities. With Aspecto, you can track the flow of requests and identify bottlenecks, latency issues, and more across your system.

Aspecto is fully OpenTelemetry compliant. OpenTelemetry (OTEL) is a versatile observability framework that standardizes data collection and enables seamless integration with a variety of observability backends, ensuring efficient and comprehensive monitoring of your applications. See the OTEL docs for more information.

Investigating errors

By integrating BugSnag with Aspecto, your BugSnag errors will be linked to the relevant distributed trace within Aspecto, allowing you to see the full context of the error.

Bugsnag Aspecto Link

You associate the error to the trace using the following metadata:

  • Aspecto.trace_id (required):
    The ID of the OpenTelemetry trace that was current when the error occurred.
  • Aspecto.workspace_id (optional):
    Optionally, you can include the Workspace ID, which can be found in the Aspecto platform. If not provided, the link will point to the default workspace. You can find your Workspace ID here
  • Aspecto.sampled (optional, defaults to true):
    Set this to true or false depending on whether the trace containing the error was sampled. If it is false, the BugSnag dashboard will indicate that the trace won’t be available in Aspecto.

Code snippets

To implement this integration, use a callback within your BugSnag setup code. See the snippets below for popular languages. If you need help integrating Aspecto for an unlisted language, please contact us.

import { trace, context } from '@opentelemetry/api';
import Bugsnag from '@bugsnag/js'

    apiKey: 'api key goes here', //insert Bugsnag's api key
    onError: function (event: any) {
        const spanContext = trace.getSpanContext(;
        const traceId = spanContext.traceId
        const sampled = spanContext.traceFlags === TraceFlags.SAMPLED;
        event.addMetadata('Aspecto', { 
            trace_id: traceId,
            workspace_id: 'optional workspace id',// Optional,
            sampled: sampled
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanContext;

Bugsnag bugsnag = new Bugsnag(this.bugsnagToken);
bugsnag.addCallback(report -> {
    Span currentSpan = Span.current();
    if(Objects.nonNull(currentSpan)) {
        SpanContext spanContext = currentSpan.getSpanContext();
        report.addToTab("Aspecto", "trace_id", spanContext.getTraceId());
        report.addToTab("Aspecto", "workspace_id", "optional workspace id");
        report.addToTab("Aspecto", "sampled", spanContext.getTraceFlags().isSampled());
from opentelemetry import trace
import bugsnag

def get_active_trace_context():
    current_span = trace.get_current_span()
    if current_span != None:
        span_context = current_span.get_span_context()
        return trace.format_trace_id(span_context.trace_id), span_context.trace_flags.sampled

def callback(event):
    trace_id, sampled = get_active_trace_context()
    event.add_tab("aspecto", {
        "trace_id": trace_id,
        "sampled": sampled,
        "workspace_id": "optional workspace id"

# Call `callback` before every event
import (

traceCtx := trace.SpanContextFromContext(ctx)
bugsnag.Notify(err, ctx, bugsnag.MetaData{
    "Aspecto": {
        "trace_id":     traceCtx.TraceID().String(),
        "workspace_id": "optional workspace id",
        "sampled":      traceCtx.IsSampled(),

using System.Diagnostics;

public (string, bool) GetActiveTraceContext() {
    var currentActivity = Activity.Current;
    if (currentActivity == null){
        return (null, false);
    var sampled = currentActivity.ActivityTraceFlags.Equals(ActivityTraceFlags.Recorded);
    return (currentActivity.TraceId.ToString(), sampled);

var (traceId, sampled) = GetActiveTraceContext();
if (traceId == null){
var bugsnag = new Bugsnag.Client(new Configuration("your-api-key-goes-here"));
bugsnag.BeforeNotify((Report report) =>
    report.Event.Metadata.Add("Aspecto", new Dictionary<string, object> { 
        {"trace_id", traceId},
        {"workspace_id", "optional workspace id},
        {"sampled", sampled},
require 'opentelemetry'

def get_trace_context
    current_span = OpenTelemetry::Trace.current_span
    if current_span
        sampled = current_span.trace_flags == OpenTelemetry::Trace::TraceFlags::SAMPLED
      return current_span.context.hex_trace_id, sampled
    return nil

Bugsnag.configure do |config|
  config.add_on_error(proc do |event|
    traceId, sampled = get_trace_context()
    event.add_metadata(:Aspecto, {
      trace_id: traceId,
      sampled: sampled,
      workspace_id: "optional workspace id", # Optional, will use default if not provided
