Automatically captured data

BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.

This documentation is for version 6+ of the BugSnag Unity notifier. If you are using older versions, we recommend upgrading to the latest release using our Upgrade guide. Documentation for the previous release can be found on our legacy pages.

User information

User information is used to show you which errors are impacting the most users. Set your own user identifiers if you want to be able to find errors affecting individual users.

If no user ID is set on the Bugsnag client, a BugSnag-generated Device ID is used for the User.Id property of Event and Session objects. To prevent collection, set an initial value in the Bugsnag client or update the data in event callbacks and session callbacks.

Device information

Information about the device can be useful to identify if an error is only occurring on some devices.

The following data is collected and added to the metadata of an Event by the BugSnag Unity library. This data can be removed by clearing the following metadata keys:

Section Key Description
device batteryLevel The battery level on the device when the event occurred – see Unity docs
device charging Whether the device was charging when the event occurred – see Unity docs
device graphicsDeviceVersion The graphics API type and driver version used by the graphics device – see Unity docs
device graphicsMemorySize The approximate amount of graphics memory in megabytes – see Unity docs
device graphicsShaderLevel The graphics device shader capability level – see Unity docs
device id A generated anonymous ID – can also be disabled using the GenerateAnonymousId configuration option
device osLanguage The language the user’s operating system is running in – see Unity docs
device screenDensity The screen density scaling factor of the device
device screenResolution The resolution of the device’s screen

Native platforms

In addition, data is collected by the native BugSnag library on the following platforms:

To prevent collection of these fields, update the data in event callbacks and session callbacks.

Application information

Information about the application can be useful to identify if an error occurs in certain versions.

The following data is collected and added to the metadata of an Event by the BugSnag Unity library. This data can be removed by clearing the following metadata keys:

Section Key Description
app activeUnityScene The currently active scene
app companyName The application company name
app lastLoadedUnityScene The name of scene that was most recently loaded
app name The application product name

Native platforms

In addition, data is collected by the native BugSnag library on the following platforms:

To prevent collection of these fields, update the data in event callbacks and session callbacks.

Breadcrumbs are automatically recorded for common actions and can be helpful to reproduce errors.

The following breadcrumbs are collected by the BugSnag Unity library and can disabled by its type using the Enabled Breadcrumb Types configuration option:

Message Type Description
Scene Loaded State The scene/level name

Native platforms

In addition, breadcrumbs are collected by the native BugSnag library on the following platforms and can also be disabled using the Enabled Breadcrumb Types configuration option: