BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Rendering metrics

Monitor rendering metrics to ensure your app is visually smooth with a responsive user interface.

The process of creating a frame from your application and putting it on the screen is known as user interface rendering. Devices use a count of frames per second (FPS) to determine how many frames must be rendered in a one-second timeframe. 60 FPS is the most widely used value, where a single frame should be produced in 16 milliseconds.

Rendering must be efficient enough to satisfy the device’s time requirements in order to guarantee seamless user interaction. If your app misses the deadline to render a frame, it does not result in it being displayed late. Instead, the frame is removed completely so that the user will notice “stuttering” in your app as the system skips these slow frames.

Capturing rendering metrics

The BugSnag Performance SDKs can be configured to capture rendering metrics. It is an opt-in feature that requires some initial configuration in your app. Full instructions can be found in the platform-specific documentation:

We currently support capturing of rendering metrics for custom spans only. Support for automatic capture of screen loads and for other metrics (such as CPU and memory usage) is coming soon.

Captured data

To help you improve the app’s UI quality, BugSnag automatically records the following rendering metrics while a span is active:

  • Rendered frames – the number of frames that were rendered while the span was active
  • Slow frames – the number of frames that missed their rendering deadline (e.g. 16 ms at 60 FPS)
  • Frozen frames – the number of frames that took greater than 700 ms to render

App hangs and ANRs vs slow and frozen frames

App hang terminations on iOS and ANRs on Android are examples of responsiveness issues that can greatly impact users’ perceptions of an app. The problem occurs when an app’s main thread is stalled for an extended time and seems unresponsive. On iOS this may result in your app being terminated and on Android, the user gets the option to force-quit through a dialog.

You can consider these situations as en extreme case of slow UI rendering:

Slow frames Frozen frames ANRs
Rendering time Between 16 ms and 700 ms Between 700 ms and 5 s Greater than 5 s
Visible user impact Slight stuttering visible on scroll views, animations or screen transitions UI appears stuck and unresponsive for an extended period The app is completely unresponsive.
Reporting Span attribute Span attribute Error

Spotting rendering issues

BugSnag reports aggregated rendering metrics for each custom span group that has sent data. The data is aggregated into two columns:

  • Frozen Frames – Percentage of qualified span instances where at least one frame render exceeded 700ms
  • Slow Frames – Percentage of qualified span instances where at least 25% of frames missed their rendering deadline

A qualified span instance is one that reported rendering data.

Rendering Properties of Span Groups

The Span Group Details page provides additional insights to the rendering data in a dedicated panel: showing slow and frozen frames distributed over time:

Rendering Properties of Span Group Details

Investigating frozen frames

The table of span instances can be sorted to identify those that had poor rendering performance. Select a span to take you to a new page where you will see a detailed breakdown of that span’s performance, including a visualization of any frozen frames and their duration. Selecting a frozen frame from the top of the view will highlight suspected spans. Suspected spans are the operations that may be responsible for the frozen frames they intersect:

Span Instance Details with Frozen Frames