BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Releases dashboard

Compare the health of the releases of your application.

The releases dashboard is used to compare the health of releases of your application using the stability score and information about errors in each release. The stability score is available on the Preferred and Enterprise plans.

Identifying releases

Releases are automatically created from errors and sessions that are reported by your application. For example if an error is reported from version 1.0.0 of your application from the production release stage, a release will be created for that version in BugSnag.

Occasionally unwanted releases can be created. To hide a release from your project’s releases dashboard, each release has the option to “Hide this release”, available in the top right dropdown menu of each release card. To view previously hidden releases select “Show hidden releases” from the releases dashboard settings menu.

Releases can be enriched with source control information and more by using a build tool integration.

Stability score

See Stability for information about how stability is calculated and how to set your stability targets.


The adoption graph shows how widely each release is being used and is available for mobile and desktop platforms.

The adoption percentage represents the proportion of sessions that a given release has seen over a given 24 hour period.

Source control

Each release can link to your source control provider to show the code that was used to build a version and the changes from the previous version. To use this feature you will need to use a build tool integration.

Released by

Each release displays the person or entity who built the application. This can be useful to identify the ‘owner’ of a release. To use this feature you will need to use a build tool integration.


Other metadata that is relevant to a build can be seen on the detailed view of a release. This can be used to display any application specific information that is associated with a build, for example parameters that were used to build the application, and details of the changes contained in the build. To use this feature you will need to use a build tool integration.