BugSnag is now Insight Hub - we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.


Integrate BugSnag with Split.

BugSnag can be used to monitor the impact on your app’s stability as you roll out features and run experiments. See Feature flags & experiments for more details.

How it works

You can monitor feature flags and experiments configured in Split by declaring feature flag in your BugSnag notifier. Split SDKs support listeners so you can automatically declare the flags and their variations to BugSnag whenever they are queried within your app.

This ensures that any subsequent errors that occur in your app will be reported to BugSnag with an accurate list of relevant splits at the time of the error.


See the docs for your platform in order to declare the active feature flags and experiments from Split:

For updates support for other platforms please get in touch with us.