BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Customizing error reports

This documentation is for version 6 of the BugSnag JavaScript notifier. We recommend upgrading to the latest release using our Upgrade guide. Documentation for the current release can be found here.

In order to quickly reproduce and fix errors, it is often helpful to send additional application-specific diagnostic data to BugSnag.

Adding a callback#

Use the beforeSend callback to add diagnostic data to error reports, modify collected data, or cancel report delivery altogether.

You can configure a beforeSend callback for all reports, and you can supply a beforeSend callback to manual notify() calls.

See the report object for available properties and methods within the callback.

Modifying report information#

You can modify the payload by editing values directly and via convenience methods.

var bugsnagClient = bugsnag({
  beforeSend: function (report) {
    // Filter out sensitive information
    report.request.url = '[REDACTED]'

    // Add additional diagnostic information
    report.updateMetaData('account', {
      type: 'paid',
      betaAccess: true

Disabling error reporting#

If you want to halt the error notification completely, call report.ignore() or return false from beforeSend. You can set a beforeSend callback globally:

var bugsnagClient = bugsnag({
  beforeSend: function (report) {
    // Example: Disable reporting of errors with a given error message
    if (report.errorMessage === 'Do not report this error') report.ignore()
    // or
    if (report.errorMessage === 'Do not report this error either') return false

Or you can supply a beforeSend callback for an individual bugsnagClient.notify() call:

bugsnagClient.notify(new Error('Bad things'), {
  beforeSend: function (report) {
    // Example: Disable reporting of errors with a given error message
    if (report.errorMessage === 'Do not report this error') report.ignore()
    // or
    if (report.errorMessage === 'Do not report this error either') return false

If you’re using an asynchronous callback, to prevent a report from being sent you can either use report.ignore() or asynchronously “return false” with resolve(false)/cb(null, false) depending on the style of function used.

The report object#

The following properties are available on the report object. Some of these properties may already be set, depending on the configuration of the notifier. The beforeSend callback may modify any of these properties as desired.

metaData set on the report will be combinded with metaData set on the client, with properties on the report taking precedence.

// original metaData
var bugsnagClient = bugsnag({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
  metaData: { tabName: { item: '1.2.3' } }

bugsnagClient.notify(err, {
  beforeSend: function (report) {
    // this metaData will override the original metaData
    report.metaData = {
      overrideTab: { overrideItem: '9.8.7' }


Set or modify the release stage:

report.app.releaseStage = 'staging'


Set or modify the app version:

report.app.version = '4.1.1'


Takes in the api key as a string. Even though the API Key is set when BugSnag is initialized, you may choose to send certain error reports to a different BugSnag project:

report.apiKey = 'YOUR-API-KEY'

Modify the breadcrumbs array:

// filter out breadcrumbs that match a certain name
report.breadcrumbs = report.breadcrumbs.filter(function (breadcrumb) {
  return breadcrumb.name !== "UI click"


By default, BugSnag doesn’t set a context. If set, it’s given high visual prominence in the dashboard, so you can set it to something useful for your application:

report.context = 'User settings screen'


Add or modify information about the device the error report was sent from.

report.device = { orientation: 'portrait', hasTouch: true }


Override the error class if you wish to report a more descriptive error:

report.errorClass = 'MyError'


report.errorMessage = 'I have made a huge mistake'


Set the grouping hash of the error report to override the default grouping on the dashboard. All errors with the same grouping hash will be grouped together into one error. This is an advanced usage of the library and mis-using it will cause your errors not to group properly in your dashboard.

report.groupingHash = report.errorClass

By default, errors are grouped by the statement in your code that raised the error. We try to lookup a source map or fetch the JavaScript and use the surrounding code to identify the statement, but if that’s not possible we fall back to using line number and filename as an approximation.


Prevents the report being sent to BugSnag:

var bugsnagClient = bugsnag({
  beforeSend: function (report) {
    // Example: Disable reporting from internal routes
    if (/internal\//.test(report.request.url)) report.ignore()


report.metaData = {
  company: {
    name: 'Acme Co.',
    country: 'UK'


Use this to remove a metaData field or entire metaData tab:

// Remove a metaData field
report.removeMetaData('section', 'property')
// Remove a metaData tab


Update or remove the request object. The defined fields are url and clientIp:

report.request.url = '[REDACTED]'
report.request.clientIp = '[REDACTED]'


The seriousness of the error, selected from the options info, warning and error, listed in order of increasing severity:

report.severity = 'warning'


An array containing stackframe objects with the following properties:

property type description
file String The location of the executing file. This can be a file path, URL or a value such as 'global code'. If the executing file is an inline script on a web page, this will be the URL of the page it was loaded on.
lineNumber Number The line number within the source file this stackframe refers to.
columnNumber Number The column number within the source file this stackframe refers to. This can be undefined when the column number is not known.
method String The name of the method that was being executed, if available.
inProject Boolean In Node, stack frames from outside the project root or inside node_modules will be marked as inProject: false. In the browser and in Expo, this is always set to undefined by default. You can update this property to indicate when stackframes are known to be outside of your project in order to improve grouping and stacktrace readability. See the example below.
code Object When possible (in Node or an inline script in the browser), the notifier will extract the surrounding code and populate this property.
// Sets the `inProject` property to `false` for anything with "vendor" in the path
report.stacktrace.forEach(function (frame) {
  var inProject = !/\/vendor\//.test(frame.file)
  // If you set one stackframe.inProject you should set them all
  frame.inProject = inProject

Note that if your code is minified, source maps will not have been applied at this point, and so your stackframes will have locations and methods from minified code.


Set, replace, or augment metaData key value pairs, or entire metaData tabs:

// Set a metaData key value pair under a given section, merging with exising properties
report.updateMetaData('section', 'property', value)
report.updateMetaData('section', { a: a, b: b })
// Removes the `'property'` value from `metaData.section` if it exists
report.updateMetaData('section', 'property', null)
// Removes `metaData.section` if it exists
report.updateMetaData('section', null)


Modify the information in the user tab:

report.user = {
  id: '3',
  name: 'Bugs Nag',
  email: 'bugs.nag@bugsnag.com',
  roles: [ 'subscriber' ]