This documentation is for version 5 of the BugSnag tvOS notifier. We recommend upgrading to the latest release using our Upgrade guide. Documentation for the current release can be found here.
BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.
Information about the application can be useful to identify if an error occurs in certain versions.
Data | Default value | Preventing collection |
Bundle version | The build-version-number string for the app, set from CFBundleVersion |
Modify app in a callback |
Duration in foreground | How long the app has been in the foreground in milliseconds | Modify app in a callback |
Id | The app’s unique package name, set from CFBundleIdentifier |
Modify app in a callback |
In foreground | Whether the app was in the foreground at the time of the report | Modify app in a callback |
Dsym UUIDs | An array of UUIDs identifying any dSYM files in the application | Modify app in a callback |
Duration | Milliseconds since the app first launched | Modify app in a callback |
Version | The app’s version, set from CFBundleShortVersionString |
Modify app in a callback |
Type | The platform the app runs on | Modify app in a callback |
Release stage | The app’s release stage. This is automatically configured by the notifier to be “production”, unless DEBUG is defined during compilation. | Modify app in a callback |
Name | The name of the executable, set from CFBundleExecutable |
Modify app in a callback |
Information about the device can be useful to identify if an error is only occurring on some devices.
Data | Default value | Preventing collection |
Id | A hash of various device/app specific data | Modify device in a callback |
Battery level | Amount of battery charge available at time of report | Modify device in a callback |
OS name | Name of the operating system | Modify device in a callback |
Jail broken | A boolean value which is true the device is jailbroken | Modify device in a callback |
Orientation | Orientation of the device at time of report | Modify device in a callback |
Simulator | A boolean value which is true if the device is a simulator | Modify device in a callback |
OS version | The user-visible version of the operating system | Modify device in a callback |
Locale | The device’s current locale | Modify device in a callback |
Free memory | Number of bytes of remaining memory that can be allocated | Modify device in a callback |
Manufacturer | The device manufacturer | Modify device in a callback |
Free disk | Number of bytes of remaining disk space | Modify device in a callback |
Charging | A boolean value which is true if the device is charging its battery | Modify device in a callback |
Model number | The model of the device | Modify device in a callback |
Word size | Word size of OS (32-bit or 64-bit) | Modify device in a callback |
Model | The model of the device | Modify device in a callback |
Timezone | The device’s timezone | Modify device in a callback |
Total memory | Total amount of memory available on the device | Modify device in a callback |
Runtime versions | The version of clang used to compile the app | Modify device in a callback |
User information is used to show you which errors are impacting the most users. Set your own user identifiers if you want to be able to find errors affecting individual users.
Data | Default value | Preventing collection |
Id | The user ID is set as the same value as . |
Set the user to nil and remove in a callback. |
Modifying error information may affect error grouping.
Data | Default value | Preventing collection |
Context | The screen name of the current foreground ViewController | Modify context in a callback |
Error class | The class of the error that occurred | Modify errorClass in a callback |
Error message | The message of the error that occurred | Modify errorMessage in a callback |
Stack trace | A stacktrace of the filename, method, and line number of where the error occurred in the source code, if this information is available | Call report.attachCustomStacktrace() in a callback |
Threads | Traces of thread stack frames at the time of reporting an error, including the filename, method, and line numbers of source code. | Set Bugsnag.setThreadTracingEnabled to false at initialisation |
Breadcrumbs are automatically recorded for common actions and can be helpful to reproduce errors.
Data | Default value | Preventing collection |
NSUndoManagerDidUndoChangeNotification | Notification when an undo operation occurs | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
NSUndoManagerDidRedoChangeNotification | Notification when a redo operation occurs | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
UIWindowDidBecomeVisibleNotification | Notification when the window becomes visible | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
UIWindowDidBecomeHiddenNotification | Notification when the window becomes hidden | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
UIWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification | Notification when the window becomes the key window | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
UIWindowDidResignKeyNotification | Notification when the window stops becoming the key window | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |
UIScreenBrightnessDidChangeNotification | Notification when the device’s screen brightness changes | Disable automatic breadcrumb collection |