BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

App Store privacy details

Submitting Privacy Details

When submitting your app to the Apple App Store, you will need to submit privacy details about your app. On each app’s product page, users will be able to see the data the app may collect, and whether that data is linked to them or used to track them. Apps should be submitted to the App Store in line with Apple’s privacy guidelines.

The following sections describe how the data is captured by BugSnag and how its usage relates to Apple’s policies.

Optional disclosure

The use of BugSnag does not meet the criteria for optional disclosure. The data collected by BugSnag is not wholly provided by the user in the app interface, and the frequency of reporting cannot be guaranteed to be below a set threshold.

Therefore, you will need to consider the types of data that you are sending to BugSnag from your application when completing your app’s privacy details.

Types of data

The automatically captured data page provides information on what data BugSnag captures by default, and guidance on preventing capture of each type of data. BugSnag can be configured to override any automatically captured data, and also send custom additional metadata. You should consider additional data you’ve configured BugSnag to send for your App Store privacy details.

The following table describes how Apple’s definition of data types relate to BugSnag’s automatically captured data, to aid providing privacy information for an app.

Data Automatically captured by BugSnag
Contact Info
Name No
Email address No
Phone number No
Physical address No
Other user contact info No
Health and Fitness
Health No
Fitness No
Financial Info
Payment info No
Credit info No
Other financial info No
Precise location No
Coarse location No
Sensitive Info
Sensitive info No
Contacts No
User Content
Emails or text messages No
Photos or videos No
Audio data No
Gameplay content No
Customer support No
Other user content No
Browsing History
Browsing history No
Search History
Search history No
User ID Yes. An overridable unique identifier is generated for the user.id value if no user data is set.
Device ID Yes. An overridable unique identifier is generated for the device.id value.
Purchase history No
Usage Data
Product interaction Yes. Breadcrumbs are stored and sent with each event report. You can configure which breadcrumb types are captured on iOS, macOS, tvOS, React Native, Cocos2d-x, Expo, Electron, Unity, or Unreal Engine. You can discard or ammend breadcrumbs on iOS, macOS, tvOS, React Native, Cocos2d-x, Expo, Electron, or Unreal Engine with an OnBreadcrumb callback.

If your application uses React Native, Expo, or Electron: JavaScript breadcrumbs are additionally captured. User interaction and navigation type breadcrumbs include details of which selectors are clicked and their text value, so consider for your app whether these breadcrumbs contain any other types of data. You can configure which JavaScript enabledBreadcrumbTypes are captured in React Native, Expo, or Electron. You can amend or remove breadcrumbs in your native Cocoa layer, or with a JavaScript onBreadcrumb callback.

Sessions are tracked by default with the BugSnag Cocoa notifier. You can disable automatic session tracking with the autoTrackSesssions configuration option on Cocoa, React Native, and Cocos2d-x. Or, for Expo, Electron, Unity, or Unreal Engine.
Advertising data No
Other usage data No
Crash data Yes. We also send “internal” crash reports when there is a crash in BugSnag library code. This can be disabled with the telemetry configuration option.
Performance data Yes
Other diagnostic data No
Other Data
Other data types BugSnag additionally captures application information by default.

You can automatically redact keys in metadata by adjusting the redactedKeys configuration option.

Data use

SmartBear does not use event data from customer applications for any of the purposes outlined by Apple. We processes data on behalf of each BugSnag customer to provide data analytics about crashes and application stability to that customer (the data controller).

However, by using BugSnag, you may be using data in the ways described below.

Data use Applicable to your use of BugSnag?
Third-party advertising No
Developer’s advertising or marketing No
Analytics You may consider that you use BugSnag for analytics purposes, such as planning new features, and measuring audience sizes.
Product personalization No
App functionality Yes. You can use BugSnag to minimize app crashes, and improve stability.
Other purposes No

Data linked to the user

If you are setting user data, then you need to be aware that all reports sent to BugSnag can be linked to that individual user. By default BugSnag captures a unique user ID (based on the device) so that reports from the same user can be linked even if no user data is associated with the reports.

This unique ID can be removed by setting nil for each of the fields in setUser. Please note that there is also a device.id field which stores the same UUID that should also be removed to unlink a user from a report.


Using BugSnag does not require user permission via the AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework as BugSnag does not track users according to Apple’s definition:

  • BugSnag does not link user or device data with user or device data from any other source, for any purpose.
  • BugSnag does not access the device’s advertising identifier.
  • BugSnag does not act as a data broker.


You will have the ability to add links on your product page to your app’s privacy policy and your privacy choices. Should you wish to reference our privacy policy this is available on the SmartBear website.

Declaring required reasons for API usage

Apple require usage of certain APIs to be declared through the required reason API to reduce the ability for developers to misuse them for device fingerprinting.

The BugSnag SDK uses some of these APIs and so provides a Privacy manifest to declare the following (as of v6.28.0):

Type Reason Justification
35F9.1 We report the amount of time your app has spent in the foreground in app.durationInForeground. This uses mach_absolute_time to derive it from the system boot time, which is a permitted exception.
CA92.1 We use the User Defaults API to store data between launches for inclusion in events. However we use standardUserDefaults which is stored in, and can only be accessed by, your app.
C617.1 We use fstat to check a crash file looks valid before opening it, to avoid a crash caused reading an older version of the file format. This is permitted as it’s within the app container.

Older versions of the BugSnag SDK

Prior to v6.28.0, the following API usage was in place:

Type Notes
The SDK used stat as part of our jailbreak detection code, which checks a path outside your app. You should upgrade to the latest version to avoid this.
We report device.freeDisk in our events being sent off-device, which is not allowed as it is derived from statfs. To avoid a violation either upgrade to the latest version or use a delivery-time callback to remove this data.