BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Automatically captured data

BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.

This documentation is for the latest BugSnag Expo libraries. Please see our guidance on support for Expo SDK 43 or earlier.

Application information

Information about the application can be useful to identify if an error occurs in certain versions.

Data Default value Preventing collection
App version The version of the application, as specified in app.json Set appVersion in Configuration or modify app in a callback
Native bundle version The version of the native ipa which is running (standalone iOS apps only) Modify metadata in a callback
Bundle version See Native bundle version Modify metadata in a callback
Native version code The version of the native apk which is running (standalone Android apps only) Modify metadata in a callback
Version code See Native version code Modify metadata in a callback
Duration How long since the app was started Modify app in a callback.
Duration in foreground How long since the app entered the foreground Modify app in a callback.
In foreground Whether the app was in the foreground when the error happened Modify app in a callback.

Device information

Information about the device can be useful to identify if an error is only occurring on some devices.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Device ID The installationId reported by Expo Modify device in acallback
Manufacturer The device manufacturer Modify device in a callback
Model name The model name Modify device in a callback
Model number The model number¹ Modify device in a callback
OS name The name of the operating system Modify device in a callback
OS version The version of the operating system Modify device in a callback
Orientation The orientation of the device at the time of the error Modify device in a callback
Runtime versions The version numbers of the following (if available): Expo SDK, Expo client, React Native, Android API level Modify device in a callback
Total memory The total number of bytes of memory on the device Modify device in a callback
Is device Whether the app is running on a physical device or on a virtual device Modify metadata in a callback

¹ iOS only

Breadcrumbs are automatically recorded for common actions and can be helpful to reproduce errors.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Console message The message sent to the console and its severity Set enabledBreadcrumbTypes or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an onBreadcrumb callback
Network requests The URL requested and the status code returned Set enabledBreadcrumbTypes or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an onBreadcrumb callback
Orientation changes The previous and current orientation of the device Set enabledBreadcrumbTypes or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an onBreadcrumb callback
App state Whether the device is in the foreground or the background Set enabledBreadcrumbTypes or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an onBreadcrumb callback
Connectivity changes The connection type and strength Set enabledBreadcrumbTypes or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an onBreadcrumb callback

Error information

Modifying error information may affect error grouping.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Context The pathname of the URL Modify context in a callback
Error class The class of the error that occurred Modify errors[].errorClass in a callback
Error message The message of the error that occurred Modify errors[].errorMessage in a callback
Stack trace The URL of the file where the error occurred, method and line number Modify errors[].stacktrace in a callback