BugSnag is now Insight Hub - we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Automatically captured data

BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.

AWS Lambda arguments

BugSnag will automatically capture the Lambda function’s event & context arguments in the “AWS Lambda Event” & “AWS Lambda Context” tabs on every error.

You can remove individual items from these tabs using params_filters:

  params_filters=["invoked_function_arn", "headers"],

You can also remove the tab entirely using a before_notify callback:

def remove_aws_metadata(event):
    if "AWS Lambda Event" in event.metadata
        del event.metadata["AWS Lambda Event"]

    if "AWS Lambda Context" in event.metadata
        del event.metadata["AWS Lambda Context"]



If the logging integration is used, some contextual information is collected to populate the “extra data” tab.

Data Default value Preventing collection
asctime The formatted time string of when the log occurred Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Created The time the log occurred Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Level name The text level of the log Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Level number The numeric level of the log Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
msecs The milliseconds portion of the created time Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Name The name of the logger Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Process The ID of the running process Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Process name The name of the running process Modify metadata['extra_data'] in a callback
Data Default value Preventing collection
Log messages The log message and its level. Only collected when using the breadcrumb log filter. Set enabled_breadcrumb_types or modify/discard the breadcrumb in an on_breadcrumb callback