BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Automatically captured data

BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.

Error information

Modifying error information may affect error grouping.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Error class The exception’s class name Override the error data within a report using a callback and the stacktrace method
Error message The exception’s message Override the error data within a report using a callback and the stacktrace method
Stack trace A stack trace derived from the exception, containing code, filenames, methods and line numbers Override the error data within a report using a callback and the stacktrace method
Context The request method and URL Use the setContext configuration option

Application information

Information about the application can be useful to identify if an error occurs in certain versions.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Release stage The WP_ENV environment variable Override using setReleaseStage within your configuration

User information

User information is used to show you which errors are impacting the most users. Set your own user identifiers if you want to be able to find errors affecting individual users.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Id A logged in user’s id, or the client IP Override using the setUser method within a middleware or callback
Email A logged in user’s email Override using the setUser method within a middleware or callback
Name A logged in user’s display name Override using the setUser method within a middleware or callback