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Nintendo Switch console integration guide

Add BugSnag to your Nintendo Switch games.

Nintendo Switch console integration is available on Enterprise plans. Contact us to learn more or add this feature to your Bugsnag account.


Bugsnag pulls Nintendo Switch crash information from Nintendo’s APIs. To configure this:

  1. In a project of type Nintendo Switch, Unity, Unreal Engine or Cocos 2d-x, go to Project Settings -> Configure connection to Nintendo Switch -> Configure new connector -> Nintendo Switch.

  2. In the “Configure Switch Connector” modal window, enter your Application ID and Crash Reporting Access Token. We recommend you contact Nintendo and request that this access token be prevented from expiring, to avoid you having to update it in Bugsnag periodically.

  3. Choose whether this access token is for a Production or Development build of your game.

  4. Choose or enter the “Release stage” you want these crashes to belong to.

New crashes will start appearing in Bugsnag on an hourly basis.

We recommend creating two Nintendo Switch Connectors: one for development builds and one for production builds.

If your game is created with Unity, you should also add the Nintendo Switch flavour of the Bugsnag Unity library to your game. See below.

Showing full stacktraces

The received crash reports will have no symbol information and therefore the stacktraces are not human-readable. To get readable stacktraces you need to upload the symbols file generated when building your game.

The symbols file can be uploaded to BugSnag using cURL:

$ curl --http1.1 \
    "https://upload.bugsnag.com/nintendo-switch-symbol" \
    -F symbolFile=@path/to/example.nss \
    -F apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE 

For more information, including documentation on all the parameters, see the Nintendo Switch symbol upload API docs.

Framework support

As well as receiving native crashes for any Switch game, Bugsnag has extra support for Unity and Unreal Engine Switch games.


The standard BugSnag Unity library can be used on the Switch in combination with an additional plugin. This will automatically detect C# exceptions as well as allowing you to report handled errors. As on other platforms these errors will be augmented with breadcrumbs, custom metadata and feature flag information. To gain access to the BugSnag Unity plugin for Switch, please contact us.

You should still add a Games Console Connector to your project via the BugSnag Dashboard to see native crashes, and get the full picture of your application’s stability. See above for details.

Unreal Engine

When Unreal Engine Switch games crash, the framework adds some additional information to the crash report. BugSnag unpacks this information to give you Unreal Engine-specific metadata, as well as the Unreal Engine logs leading up to the crash.

To have this information included, you must define the WITH_SWITCH_CRASH_HANDLING macro in your game build:



As there is no native Switch BugSnag library and hence no BugSnag code running in the game, the crash reports are not augmented with any additional BugSnag data. For this reason, Switch native crashes do not support breadcrumbs, custom metadata, feature flags or session and stability information.

Next steps

  • Get support for your questions and feature requests