BugSnag is now Insight Hub – we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Automatically captured data

BugSnag automatically captures a variety of data to help you debug your errors. You may wish to avoid capturing some types of data, particularly if there are privacy implications for your users.

After an exception has been logged a breadcrumb is added containing information about that exception.

Data Default value Preventing collection
Name exception.GetType().ToString() Modify breadcrumbs in a callback
Type error Modify breadcrumbs in a callback
Metadata -> Message exception.Message Modify breadcrumbs in a callback
Metadata -> Severity the original severity of the exception Modify breadcrumbs in a callback

Device information

Data Default value Preventing collection
Hostname Either the COMPUTERNAME or HOSTNAME ENV variable value Modify device in a callback
Locale System.GlobalizationCultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString() Modify device in a callback
Timezone System.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo.Local.DisplayName Modify device in a callback
OS Name System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.OSDescription or Environment.OSVersion.VersionString depending on netstandard or full framework Modify device in a callback
Time DateTime.UtcNow Modify device in a callback

Error information

Data Default value Preventing collection
Context If a request has been captured then this will be the AbsolutePath Modify context in a callback
Error Class The class of each exception Modify exceptions in a callback
Error Message The mesage for each exception Modify exceptions in a callback
Stacktrace The stacktrace of each exception Modify exceptions in a callback

Request information

Data Default value Preventing collection
Client IP UserHostAddress from the HTTP Context Modify request in a callback
Headers Headers from the HTTP Context Modify request in a callback
HTTP Method HttpMethod from the HTTP Context Modify request in a callback
URL Url from the HTTP Context Modify request in a callback
Referer UrlReferrer from the HTTP Context Modify request in a callback