BugSnag is now Insight Hub - we're making some changes to how the product looks, but this won't impact the way you use BugSnag or any of your integrations.

Deploying with Rake

Notify BugSnag of deploys using Rake.


Add the bugsnag-capistrano Ruby gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'bugsnag-capistrano'

Don’t forget to run bundle install after updating your Gemfile.


Require bugsnag-capistrano/tasks in your Rakefile:

require 'bugsnag-capistrano/tasks'

Set the BUGSNAG_API_KEY environment variable with your project’s API key.

Notifying of deployments

Use the bugsnag:deploy task to send deployments to BugSnag.

rake bugsnag:deploy BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE=production \

Configuration options

All configuration options are available as environment variables, or are set automatically if BugSnag has already been configured and will run before the task.

Environment variable Description
BUGSNAG_API_KEY Your BugSnag API key (required)
BUGSNAG_APP_VERSION The app version of the code being deployed
BUGSNAG_BRANCH The source control branch the code is being deployed from
BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE The release stage (e.g. production, staging)
BUGSNAG_REVISION The source control revision of the deploying code
BUGSNAG_REPOSITORY The repository URL the code is being deployed from